WP 1: Project Management

Work Package 1, led by University College Cork (UCC) and alongside Northern Ireland Environment Link (NIEL), underlies the TalX2 project. This involves the day to day operations and technical aspects of the research as well as supporting a Project Steering Group and Project Advisory Group who provide advice and specialist input. This work package ensures success in meeting project targets and the smooth delivery of the TalX2 project as a whole.
WP 2: Existing Place-Based Climate Action: International Learnings

Adaptation to climate change at local, sectoral and national levels on the island of Ireland is underpinned by partnership working. Work package 2 involves the establishment of a comprehensive review of best practice criteria for enabling adaptation, determining the extent to which best practice currently features in decision-making in climate change planning and implementation on an all-island basis.
WP 3: Living Lab Development

In order to progress place-based climate adaptation, the adaptive capacity of places must first be developed. Work package 3 involves the creation of three ‘living labs’ across the island of Ireland where real world learnings and insights can be developed and scaled up, and transdisciplinary co-production processes sustained for improved risk management strategies. These learnings will be integrated into the TALX place-based partnership framework to develop the capabilities of Leadership, Evidence, Partnership and Resource. Living labs will be compared and contrasted to see how different environments (physical and political) impact upon the level of success and to identify enabling conditions. Recommendations and guidance for how these learnings can be applied to other communities in Ireland will be created.
WP 4: Transboundary Dialogue Facilitation & Programme of Activities

Work package 4 will establish enable open conservations and innovation for future cross-border climate action on the island of Ireland. Through interactive workshops, adaptation pathways and potential transboundary synergies will be identified and shared learning and collaboration enhanced, feeding back into the development of place-based adaptation action in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
WP 5: Ways of Working – an Evaluation of Research Outputs & Learnings

Work package 5 will focus on the identifying how the development and advancement of place-based climate action partnerships can be supported on a larger scale and prioritising elements for further analysis. Learnings and outputs that can be used to establish and support climate action partnerships across the island of Ireland, build human capacity and enable the implementation of transformational climate action solutions that will accelerate change.
WP 6: Communications, Dissemination & Knowledge Transfer

Work package 6 focuses on increasing awareness of adaptation governance and practises across the island of Ireland, as well as the benefits of transboundary adaptation practises and learning and collaboration opportunities.